Ever feel like your co-workers or friends are speaking to you in a different language? No, it’s not about having a meeting entirely in French. We’re talking about what often seems to be the language of the business world: acronyms. These days, we don’t always have the time to use full words or speak in complete sentences. The advent of text-speak and internet lingo has conditioned many of us to seek out the most efficient routes of communication. While far from a novel invention, acronyms’ prevalence makes knowing the most common ones imperative.
While some of us have the guts to ask for clarification when we have no idea what’s being said, others of us cringe at the thought of asking potentially “stupid” questions. Well, to everyone in the latter group: Today’s your lucky day. We’ve rounded up abbreviations for the most commonly used terms that you’re likely to run into.
Since the times of ancient Rome, acronyms helped to alleviate some of the burden of wordiness. Several acronyms coined during the Roman Empire are still in use today, such as AM and PM (ante meridiem and post meridiem, meaning “before noon” and “after noon”), and also AD, which denotes the time period after the birth of Christ and comes from the Latin anno domini, meaning “in the year of our Lord.”
As the Industrial Revolution took hold across the Western world in the 19th century, acronyms spread exponentially. They were created for corporations, railroads, stock exchanges, telecommunications, oil and gas, and numerous other enterprises that utilized technical language at an increasing rate.
The 20th century added to the mix a host of acronyms related to the implements of war: tanks, planes, and weaponry possessed an intricate lexicon all their own – one that called for condensing and shortening information to be passed on as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Today, many of our acronyms stem from the world of information technology. While the plethora of letter mixture may, at times, seem more intimidating than the words themselves, the appropriateness and pith of acronyms makes them a well-loved form of communicating complex ideas.
Have you seen or used any of them? 🙂
1) ABC: always be closing
2) ASAP: as soon as possible
3) B2B: business to business
4) B2C: business to consumer
5) BD: Business Development
6) CAD: computer aided design
7) CEO: chief executive officer
8) CFO: chief financial officer
9) CIO: chief investment officer/chief information officer
10) CMO: chief marketing officer
11) COO: chief operating officer
12) CSR: Corporate social responsibility
13) CTO: chief technology officer
14) DOE: depending on experiment
15) EBITDA: earning before interests, taxes, depreciation and amortization
16) EOD: end of day/end of discussion
17) ERP: enterprise resource planning (business management software that a company can use to store and manage data from every stage of business)
18) ESOP: employee stock ownership plan
19) ETA: estimated time of arrival
20) FYI: for your information
21) HTML: hypertext mark-up language
22) IMO: In my opinion
23) IPO: initial public offering
24) ISP: internet service provider
25) KPI: key performance indicators
26) LLC: limited liability company
27) LMK: Let me know
28) MILE: maximum impact, little effort
29) MOOC: massive open online course
30) MSRP: manufacturer’s suggested retail price
31) NDA: non-disclosure agreement
32) NOI: net operating income
33) NRN: no reply necessary
34) OT: Off topic
35) OTC: over the counter
36) PR: public relations
37) PPC: Pay per click
38) PTE: Part-time employee
39) QC: quality control
40) R&D: research and development
41) RFP: request for proposal
42) ROI: return on investment
43) RRP: recommended retail price
44) RT: Retweet
45) SEO: search engine optimization
46) SLA: service level agreement
47) SM: Social media
48) VAT: value added tax
49) TLTR: Too long to read
50) TYT: Take your time
Adapted from: themuse.com / altalang.com