A popular teenager has a cute girlfriend named Regina. One day, a student expresses his desire for a cute girlfriend: “I want a Regina!” The expression […]
We all want customized experiences and products — but when faced with 700 options, consumers freeze up. With fascinating new research, Sheena Iyengar demonstrates how businesses […]
Successful entrepreneurs are usually inspired by other successful entrepreneurs. That means that if people don’t have great role models–especially role models in whom they can see […]
Keeping a diary, or journaling (as we refer to it post-puberty), can feel like the territory of pimply, hormonal teenagers crazed with fantasies about their first […]
You probably use tons of expressions, idioms, and slang phrases every day that don’t make literal sense. If you ever thought long and hard about why […]
A key to being successful in business internationally is to understand the role of culture in international business. Whatever sector you are operating in, cultural differences […]